James E. Kostka was born on October 5, 1928 Plattsmouth NE. His parents were Louis and Stefana Kostka, Jim and wife Marcine live in Bellevue, NE. Also here today are his stepchildren Marcia, David, and Ted. Also here today is grandson Micheal Boganowski who recently returned from duty in Afganastan.
Jim attended grade school in south Omaha, and got his first instrument at age 10, and began taking lessons from a private teacher Mr. Eleosh. At age 12 he joined the Dr. Srb Youth Orchestra which rehearsed in the lower level of Dr. Srb’s office. Jim played in the Omaha South High School band his sophomore and junior years and graduated from high school in 1945.
Jim began his professional career in 1947 with the Meadowlarks band, and since then he has played on the Johnny Swoboda band, and for many years with the Kostka Brothers band and all the memories of playing with his brothers especially at the Happy Corner. Jim also played for the Omaha Czech Brass Band, and in recent years Jim played and managed the Jolly Yanks.
Source: Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony