Ray Lastovica, and 64-year member of Sokol Omaha, is the recipient of the 2014 Service Award for the Polka Hall of Fame. Ray’s father, Frank, took his five children to Sokol Omaha for gym classes. As a young gymnist, Ray helped teacher Richard Molser teach the Boys Gym classes. After Ray returned from military service in Korea, he became the teacher for Boy’s and Men’s Gymnastics.
Ray has held several offices at Sokol Omaha: Men’s Unit Director (20 years), Financial Secretary (1 year), Vice President (6 years), and President (3 years).
Ray also held the office in American Sokol Organization Western District as Men’s District Director from 1963-1965 and again from 1967-1976. In 2004, Ray received the Ed Pavousek Outstanding Sokol Service award from American Sokol organization.
Ray was a familiar face behind the bar at the weekly dances at Sokol Omaha from 1970 until he retired from that position in the late 1990’s.
Source: Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, September 7th, 2014